3 songs by David Garza

Kinder…Listen on Spotify

Drone…Listen on Spotify

Discoball World…Listen on Spotify

I saw a record store commercial way back in the 90’s that stuck with me. There was a young guy that said something like, “Hi, we’re the lovebeads. You haven’t heard of us, but you will.” Then the chorus of a song faded in that said something like, “step inside my new kinda love.” I saw it a couple of times and thought the song was interesting. I wasn’t in a position to buy that album what with not having a job or money, plus I had homework. So, I just sort of packed it away…for 20 or so years. And that’s how I came across the story and music of David Garza.

There’s a lot there to unpack along with more great music, so I won’t get into it here. I just told you the part of the story that is uniquely me…you know…my vague recollection of a song I heard waiting for cartoons to arrive. You’re going to have to do your own typing if you want more of this one guy’s story. Google is a great source of information on this guy if you’re interested. Like you didn’t know that already…

All these years later, I was able to backtrack to Dah-veed using my fuzzy memory of that song…and Google. It was mostly Google. Turns out the chorus of Kinder actually goes, “Step inside my new, kinder love.” Hence the song title…which I didn’t know before going on this voyage. We’ve arrived! I’d say it’s divine providence, but it’s also a noisy number written by teenagers with a 20-year hook. Needless to say, was Kinder impressed.

Sometimes you hear a song, and you wonder why it’s not more popular. Or sometimes you hear a song and you’re sure you’ve heard it somewhere, but you don’t know where. The reasons may be unknown to you, but it’s never truly random. My brain associates the song Drone with BoJack Horseman for some reason. Why are you doing this to me, brain?! Why can’t I access the answer instead of the question…anyway…Drone is peppy with a kind of tension and desperation that I find delightful. It almost sounds like the music was composed in reverse. Weird, right? But so good!

The most popular song on my list here is Discoball World. It’s a nother peppy number with tension, desperation, and a memorable hook. I fell for your coffee eyes, your half and half white lies. Even as a young adult, Dah-veed had a way with a turn of the phrase. These lyrics and more waiting for you in an old, new, kinder love. Just step inside and see for yourself. But I don’t know…maybe don’t wait 20 years…

I’ve made a lot of unsubstantiated claims here…or have I? The only way you’ll know the truth is to listen for yourself. Listen and know…If you do like what you hear, maybe check out some more art right from the source…davidgarza.com. Oh, they’ve got bandanas…nice ones! They would look good on you…just saying…

You could also head over to Bandcamp…davidgarza.bandcamp.com. If you want to get with the backstory first, here’s where I’d start… David Garza – Wikipedia. He did what?!!

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I don't know anything; not who, what, when, where, or why. I don't really know how either. I was born and raised on the West Coast of the United States of America. Now, I live on the East Coast. I love cold weather and the autumn months, so I moved somewhere with a strong autumn. Palm trees in the rearview mirror. If you see me, please be sure to say hello. Remember, I don't know anybody. Thanks!