3 songs by Frank Turner

Photosysnthesis…Listen on Spotify

The Way I Tend to Be…Listen on Spotify

Punches…Listen on Spotify

Photosynthesis is like an anthem to rage against society’s notions of maturity. The Way I Tend to Be is a bit gentle and dare-I-say romantic with a nostalgic vibe. Punches is a little loud and rough, and I think it’s put together in a really clever way. So many good songs in the catalog, and this isn’t the only band to feature Frank Turner! Imagine what delights await with just a little bit of typing and a few mouse clicks. Who is this Frank Turner and what has he done with that music?!

I don’t want to taint the experience with my own ideas. That would spoil the potential surprise. I’m not going to analyze or critique the songs or tell you what I think. I’m saying…hey, listen to this! If you like it, please consider supporting Mr. Turner by obtaining some stuff from a fair and legitimate source…music, merch, or tickets to see them. Frank Turner is a talented lad and he’s got a website…frank-turner.com. The nice thing about people who’ve had a long career is that there’s loads of interesting stuff they’ve been a part of. If you really want to start looking into it, here’s where I’d start…Frank Turner – Wikipedia.