3 songs by Jump, Little Children

Vertigo…Listen on Spotify

Not Today…Listen on Spotify

Say Goodnight…Listen on Spotify

I don’t know what Baroque Pop is, but I like many songs released by Jump, Little Children. Sure, it seems like they’d be a Kid’s Bop-style children’s pop cover band that encourages exercise, positive attitudes, and healthy lifestyle choices. That’s in name only. The band is nearly the opposite of that. Jump… presents beautiful and interesting music with lyrics that create rich and meaningful mental scenes.

After referencing Wikipedia, I realize now that the Baroque-ness of Jump, Little Children is one of the things I like about them. I could go on and on about balanced phases. You know what they say…you don’t come back from Bach.

Anyway, Jump…incorporates some traditional instruments into their music. Before this band really became a thing, a couple of the band members travelled to Ireland to study the craft of Irish Trad from native sources. That’s dedication… respect! Most of us travel to Ireland to study the effects of Guinness on human equilibrium…blood fire! We of the unwashed masses come back home with a different sort of expert-level knowledge… that Jameson is not the country’s finest export, but it gets the job done. Don’t go for the one…

Vertigo may be a truly sad song, but it has a wonderfully tragic chorus. Music, subdued and beautiful at times with sorrowful release in the chorus. But…never disorganized, never jagged or distorted. At least I think that’s what’s happening. Surely, there’s only one direction I could go…

You might assume this is a list of depressing rags, but…Not Today. On any other day, but not today, everyone is miles away. A song like this is sure to help put the bad feelings where they belong…miles away. Clearly human me knows when to recommend a song like this.

At the end of the day, I…Say Goodnight. We all live in close proximity to other people and know how irritating they can be. But also…intriguing. Don’t get me started on people…and I’m not going to touch on the meaning of the lyrics. Heck, I’d probably misinterpret them/they. The structure of the song is entertaining and the variation in tone throughout the track makes my scalp tingle. Oh…that’s just me? Well, have you listened to this song? You might love it!

If you listened to these tracks and like what you heard, you should find more of Jump, Little Children from a fair and reputable source. Maybe bounce over to their website…jumplittlechildren.com. And if you’d like to know other details about the band, here’s where I’d start looking…Jump, Little Children – Wikipedia. That’s where I found out that Jump…released an album produced by the wonderful Rick Beato…Rick Beato – YouTube. Maybe check out Mr. Beato as well…you might just smash the like and subscribe buttons…who knows?!

3 songs by David Garza

Kinder…Listen on Spotify

Drone…Listen on Spotify

Discoball World…Listen on Spotify

I saw a record store commercial way back in the 90’s that stuck with me. There was a young guy that said something like, “Hi, we’re the lovebeads. You haven’t heard of us, but you will.” Then the chorus of a song faded in that said something like, “step inside my new kinda love.” I saw it a couple of times and thought the song was interesting. I wasn’t in a position to buy that album what with not having a job or money, plus I had homework. So, I just sort of packed it away…for 20 or so years. And that’s how I came across the story and music of David Garza.

There’s a lot there to unpack along with more great music, so I won’t get into it here. I just told you the part of the story that is uniquely me…you know…my vague recollection of a song I heard waiting for cartoons to arrive. You’re going to have to do your own typing if you want more of this one guy’s story. Google is a great source of information on this guy if you’re interested. Like you didn’t know that already…

All these years later, I was able to backtrack to Dah-veed using my fuzzy memory of that song…and Google. It was mostly Google. Turns out the chorus of Kinder actually goes, “Step inside my new, kinder love.” Hence the song title…which I didn’t know before going on this voyage. We’ve arrived! I’d say it’s divine providence, but it’s also a noisy number written by teenagers with a 20-year hook. Needless to say, was Kinder impressed.

Sometimes you hear a song, and you wonder why it’s not more popular. Or sometimes you hear a song and you’re sure you’ve heard it somewhere, but you don’t know where. The reasons may be unknown to you, but it’s never truly random. My brain associates the song Drone with BoJack Horseman for some reason. Why are you doing this to me, brain?! Why can’t I access the answer instead of the question…anyway…Drone is peppy with a kind of tension and desperation that I find delightful. It almost sounds like the music was composed in reverse. Weird, right? But so good!

The most popular song on my list here is Discoball World. It’s a nother peppy number with tension, desperation, and a memorable hook. I fell for your coffee eyes, your half and half white lies. Even as a young adult, Dah-veed had a way with a turn of the phrase. These lyrics and more waiting for you in an old, new, kinder love. Just step inside and see for yourself. But I don’t know…maybe don’t wait 20 years…

I’ve made a lot of unsubstantiated claims here…or have I? The only way you’ll know the truth is to listen for yourself. Listen and know…If you do like what you hear, maybe check out some more art right from the source…davidgarza.com. Oh, they’ve got bandanas…nice ones! They would look good on you…just saying…

You could also head over to Bandcamp…davidgarza.bandcamp.com. If you want to get with the backstory first, here’s where I’d start… David Garza – Wikipedia. He did what?!!

3 songs by The Cottars

Fare Thee Well, Northumberland/The Purple Wave…Listen on Spotify

Byker Hill…Listen on Spotify

The Munster Suite…Listen on Spotify

There’s some music that you need to be in the mood for. I have some songs from The Cottars in my daily shuffle and I rarely skip them. I did go through a… this-kind-of-music…phase, though. So, either I was in a certain mood for about 10 years…I’m a rock…or I like listening to these songs no matter how I’m feeling.

The band has some other good tracks, too, along with some that are for highly acquired tastes. Songs in a playlist should generally have a common vibe, so discretion is advised. But maybe this is your new thing!

I like the story told in Fare Thee Well, Northumberland/The Purple Wave. Lyrics are easy to follow, and the music is variable and interesting. It kind of meanders, but at a good pace. It’s a distraction that helps my mind wander through plots of adventure and travel. Orphans, kidnappings, and longing for a home that is far too distant. I wouldn’t gamble on my coming home, fare thee well. I only want to see you bathing in The Purple Wave. Purple wave, purple wave…Okay…that last bit was from Purple Rain. That’s a song for another day.

I’m not sure what Byker Hill is about. It’s impassioned and percussive, especially for a song with minimal percussion. Lyrics are clear even if the meaning isn’t and it’s fun to sing along to either of its two parts. Solo verse, chorus of multiple voices. Interesting for such a simple song. Maybe you’ll identify with it more if you’ve ever hit a pig with a shovel. Who can say? Probably you. Listen and know!

The Munster Suite: It’s as restful as My Darling Asleep and yet tangy like The Munster Buttermilk, so listen to The Frieze Britches and find out. No words, I’m looking for more guitar tracks like this. Perhaps I’ve said too much…

Maybe not everything I’ve said here is true. I’ve been known to spin a yarn. The only way to know for sure is to listen and form you own opinion. If you think you might like The Cottars, please consider finding more of their music from a fair and reputable source. If you are looking for more information about the band, here’s where I’d look first...The Cottars – Wikipedia.

3 songs by Larry and His Flask

All That We’ve Seen…Listen on Spotify

Ellipsis…Listen on Spotify

Doing Fine…Listen on Spotify

Larry and His Flask…you’re going to have to listen to find out what’s in the flask. And in case you were wondering, there’s no Larry. It’s a long story, or actually…a short story. I won’t get into it here.

If I had to guess what this jamboree is all about, I’d say it’s a blend of bluegrass and folk punk with a splash emo. As grating as that would sound hypothetically, it’s actually quite the satisfying auditory refreshment. There’s plenty of bum-strumming and twang-n-bang in there, but there’s also competent musicianship, engaging narrative, and a whole lot of heart. Feelings, like the corners of my mind…All this in well assembled songs that weave together to create a rustic aesthetic and some good tunes. And it mostly works…for me anyway…

There are quite a few jagged edges in All That We’ve Seen. Some people might dismiss this track 30 seconds in. To me the unpolished presentation conveys genuine grief. The lyrics speak to what is felt when a relationship ends, either from a breakup or death. It’s certainly not an upbeat number and I don’t listen to this song often. When I do listen, I average about four replays. That’s $0.05 USD moving in the direction of a well deserving band.

I throw ellipses around like confetti, so it’s no surprise I’d want to draw attention to a song called Ellipsis. This is the song that hooked me on Larry and His Flask. It is the characteristic vague narrative laid over and through punk-peppy bluegrass sounds punctuated by an oddly catchy chorus. And nothing ever changes…Bonus points for being the only song ever written that references a kitty-litter mill.

Doing Fine weaves the most upbeat yarn out of the three songs selected here. So many hooky phrases in the lyrics. The music is sort of fun and variable which makes it difficult not to replay a few times. And if you listen to the song on your cell phone, it might inspire you to take a break…I mean, you’re probably not living on the road, but you probably do have an unhealthy attachment to the world through your cellphone. It can be difficult to live in both worlds. Just don’t take up drinking to stop your hands from shaking. I’m certainly not pro-that.

If there is a common theme between all of these songs, it’s the ways in which life changes. And if there’s a common theme to my blog posts, it’s that you should listen to these songs for yourself. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite!

If you do like what you hear, please consider finding more Larry and His Flask from a fair and ethical source…like Bandcamp…larryandhisflaskofficial.bandcamp. If you’re intrigued by the band and would like to learn more about them, here’s where I’d start, Larry and His Flask – Wikipedia.